White House executive order restricting data brokers enters effect — but to...
An executive order from President Biden restricting which countries data brokers can sell American data to took effect on Sunday, but some have expressed doubt about whether it will have much impact....
View Articleオープンソースの生成AIで注意すべき10のこと
View ArticleI 10 principali problemi che l’IT di oggi si trova ad affrontare
I CIO hanno un’agenda stracolma, fitta di numerose questioni critiche e complesse che dominano il loro tempo e la loro attenzione. Non sorprende che la capitalizzazione dell’IA sia in cima alla lista...
View ArticleSAP publishes open source manifesto
Manifesto is “more than a declaration of our current contributions; it’s a promise to continue driving open innovation and collaboration at a significant scale,” says SAP CTO. It arrives alongside the...
View ArticleEl BCE encara las vulnerabilidades del futuro euro digital
El Banco Central Europeo (BCE) ha sentado las bases de la que podría ser la moneda del futuro en la región: el euro digital. Desde el pasado mes de noviembre la máxima autoridad monetaria europea...
View ArticleHow Vulcan Materials paved its way to digital success
In a recent “all-hands” meeting, Krzysztof Soltan, CIO of Vulcan Materials, announced his IT organization would continue its “laser focus on digital transformation.” Digital technology, he explained,...
View ArticleSecrets of successful hackathons
Typically associated with startups and small developer teams, hackathons are becoming increasingly popular with enterprise CIOs as a means for jump-starting innovation. But ensuring a hackathon...
View ArticleRecursos Humanos desaprovecha el potencial de la tecnología para el negocio
El 24% de los empleados de Recursos Humanos (RR.HH); es decir, menos de una cuarta parte, considera que el departamento de RR.HH de su organización está extrayendo el máximo valor de la tecnología...
View ArticleNew trade body wants to license training data for AI use
Seven companies that license music, images, videos, and other data used for training artificial intelligence systems have formed a trade association to promote responsible and ethical licensing of...
View ArticleSateliot refuerza las comunicaciones de sus satélites 5G-IoT
Sateliot ha anunciado en sociedad una alianza estratégica con Leaf Space. Con esta colaboración, la compañía catalana de satélites de órbita terrestre baja aspira a fortalecer la conectividad de su...
View ArticleInfinidat Revolutionizes Enterprise Cyber Storage Protection to Reduce...
Infinidat, a leading provider of enterprise storage solutions, has introduced a new automated cyber resiliency and recovery solution that will revolutionize how enterprises can minimize the impact of...
View ArticleDemystifying AI: Understanding weak and strong AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, yet it remains widely misunderstood. Whether that stems from science fiction portrayals of sentient robots, or...
View ArticleSystems-level approach drives optimal performance and power efficiency for...
As more organizations create or adopt new cloud-native workloads, new requirements for cloud infrastructure are emerging. There is a greater need to optimize across the tech stack and take a...
View ArticleLa Armada Estadounidense confía en la API Gateway catalana KrakenD
KrakenD, la pionera API Gateway catalana con sede en Barcelona, ha superado la barrera de los 60 clientes en su edición Enterprise, consolidando su posición en la gestión y control de accesos a...
View ArticleLa IA pivota el Plan de Simplificación Administrativa Digital de Extremadura
La Secretaría General de Transformación Digital y Ciberseguridad de la Junta de Extremadura ha trasladado al personal de las administraciones locales de la región su plan para modernizar los...
View ArticleThe STA is realizing potential in predictive analysis and automation
The STA recently came out and declared that with new technological solutions, it will save SEK600 million (about $57 million) in annual internal operations, and apply it to road and railway works. And...
View ArticleMarine Corps enlists RPA, 5G, and AR/VR to retool fighting force
Ensuring the US Marine Corps is adequately outfitted with the right equipment, in top shape, even as its fighting needs evolve is no small feat. Today, that operation, undertaken by the US Marine...
View ArticleHacienda se arma con IA para luchar contra el fraude
La Aministración pública acompasa cada vez más su transformación digital al ritmo que lleva el sector privado en su adopción de nuevas tecnologías. Es así como la inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha...
View ArticleMicroStrategy boosts HyperIntelligence with artificial intelligence
MicroStrategy has added generative AI capabilities to HyperIntelligence, part of its One business intelligence platform, making it possible for workers to access data using natural language by asking...
View ArticleTea Shop se adapta a las nuevas demandas del cliente gracias a la digitalización
Hace más de tres décadas, nacía en el barrio barcelonés de Gracia una compañía especialista en té e infusiones al que pocos encontraban futuro. ¿La razón? Por aquel entonces, este tipo de bebidas no...
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